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HR Packages

The Bronze SME and New Business Package includes everything that you need to establish a HR system for your business. Good to go.The silver package is for those businesses who are established and do not have their own in house HR professional. You will have your own dedicated HR professional.
The gold package is for those business owners who have the drive and energy to grow and focus on their business leaving the people management side to a HR professional.

Employee HandbookEmployee HandbookEmployee Handbook
Employee contractsEmployee contractsEmployee contracts
Start-up Policies and ProceduresStart-up Policies and ProceduresStart-up Policies and Procedures
Discipline policyDiscipline policyDiscipline policy
Grievance policyGrievance policyGrievance policy
Sickness policySickness policySickness policy
Use of IT policyUse of IT policyUse of IT policy
Terms and conditionsTerms and conditionsTerms and conditions
Offer lettersOffer lettersOffer letters
Asylum and Immigration checksAsylum and Immigration checksAsylum and Immigration checks
New starter formsNew starter forms
Induction checklistInduction checklist
Reference requestsReference requests
Unlimited Employment Law advice and supportUnlimited Employment Law advice and support
No long-term contractNo long-term contract
Annual review of Employee HandbookAnnual review of Employee Handbook
Employment Law updates as requiredEmployment Law updates as required
Allocation of a dedicated and qualified HR ProfessionalLegal Indemnity cover - £100,000 per claim,
£1,000,000 aggregate per annum**
Allocation of a dedicated and qualified HR Professional

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